Simply click ‘Add to Basket’ to add items to your basket as you’re shopping. You can view the contents of your basket at any time by clicking the ‘Basket’ button in the top right of each page. Once you’re happy with your items simply click ‘Checkout’ and follow the on-screen instructions which will direct you to our secure payment page.
All prices quoted on our website are accurate at the time of publication and are quoted in USD ($).
Once payment has been received, your order will be dispatched within 48 hours by our Tracked service. We will contact you by email if there are any changes regarding your delivery. We charge a flat rate fee of $4.95 for destinations within the USA for most items. If there are any extra charges for heavier items, we will advise you of the additional costs before posting them.
You may cancel your order (once accepted by us), for any reason, up until the point of dispatch. If you do cancel the order within this time any payments made by you will be refunded in full within 30 days.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchases we will happily exchange or refund any unused items with your receipt within 14 days. Goods must be returned in the same condition they were sold, including all original packaging (see terms and conditions) The return of goods is our customer’s responsibility and postage will be refunded at the discretion of The ambiance style store. If for any reason your goods have been damaged in transit, we will either refund your goods or replace them, if the item is in stock, once the original goods have been returned to us.
We ensure the items descriptions and specifications are correct, however there may be slight color variations on viewing product on screen and in real. The item cannot be exchanged or returned on color basis.
Customer satisfaction has always been our priority. We ensure to provide full support for every concern. In case of any query, feel free to contact us on sales@expressfoodmart.us and we will get back to you in no time!
We accept all major credit and debit cards and payment through PayPal.
When purchasing from “Express Foodmart”, Your personal and payment details are safe with us and will not be passed on to any third parties.